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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dead in Pa: Atherton

As an ex Penn Stater, I focus a lot on the history of the school. Take for instance, the eighth president of the University, George Atherton.

Granted, Mr. Atherton didn't have as horrible as a job as some of his successors. His first year in office, the graduating class was only seven people. But he had a lot to do with changing and improving the curriculum from a strictly agricultural college to add more studies, and building a lot of the structures still used at University Park today (like Old Engineering and Old Botany) and fixing up Old Main. But still, I think he got a bum wrap. Check out where he's buried.
You see that great Brutalist monument with the grave-like feature? The one that if you went to University Park, you passed by daily, and possibly found yourself passed out on the opposing bench when the trip back to the dorm was too far? The one with Atherton's name and face on it?

That is NOT where Atherton is buried. Actually, we've sort of misplaced one of Penn State's greatest presidents over time. The best guess is that he's buried somewhere near the intersection, which gets phrased nicely to "under the stop sign" to stop any sort of untoward associations with the location.

Still, is he really? One of the best things about attending Penn State was the steam pipes that ran underground, slightly heating the pavement and sidewalk and making it snow free. Plus, the normal underground wires, infostructure to the asphalt... Personally I think regardless of where Atherton was buried, he's long since been dug out of his six feet under and used as clean fill.

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